Saturday, July 2, 2011


I went outside today :D
The box is starting to tick me off now so I just jumped out
Fresh air is sooooooooo nice!!
Except after I went outside this black bird started chasing me and it was real scary!!
So I hid under the neighbour's fence
The Asian girl's mum started looking for me but I couldn't get out of the bush
Then the Asian girl came
Seriously, she need to loosen her grip!
When she picked me up and carried me to the box, I saw the other chick walking around
It was pretty fun chasing after her!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Woke up at 8:00am today =_____=
Still a bit sleepy but I was totally excited when the girl came to see us!

Got a new home to stay in!
It's all white inside, and it's really hard when we tried to peck it
It's a lot more spacious, though :D

I gotta admit, the girl's grip is a little too tight for my tiny bones
Hope she can loosen up a bit next time we need to change! > <

In the afternoon we got to move outside for a bit of sun
But really, the box blocked everything
However, the girl played with us with some strips of paper
It was so fascinating! xD

But I didn't see the girl for quite a long while after 5:30pm
I don't know where she went :(
But then, hours later, I think she came home at last!
We still couldn't sleep, 'cause the light was too bright, so she turned it off for us
How nice of her!

Oh, lights out, gotta go sleep now~


An Asian girl brought me home today!
She seemed very excited when I stood on her palm
So I decided that my first gift for her is a little pile of poop :D
She bought me and this other chick who I shared food and water with for the past few days
I do hope we get along well!

We were placed in a little box for her to take home, but the journey was really bumpy!
Me and my new room mate couldn't stop rolling from one end of the box to the other

When we got home, that's where I realised how loud the other chick is! > <
But I guess it was okay, since we were only new to the house :)

The Asian girl started taking photos of us, which was actually quite disturbing
There were a few blinding flash lights that came out of nowhere @_@

The girl's mother (I assume) was really nice though
She prepared us a new box to stay in
I, personally, couldn't wait to explore the house so I tried to jump out a few times
But sadly, I never made it outside :(

They also set up a heating lamp, which is going to be such a saviour during our sleep =w=
It was so warm~~~